Saturday Social

Tagged by Hailey - thanks sis!

Saturday Social Question:
How do you keep the spark and excitement in your relationship / marriage?

My Answers:
For the wife -- always try to be pleasant, beautiful and charming. That's your part in keeping your husband in love with you.

For the husband -- never take for granted the small things that your wife does for you haha (quoting my hubby when he saw me typing this!)

Together - Talk, talk, talk and in doing this you need not spend lots of money on trips and restaurants. Never forget that you are a wife or husband even before you became a mommy or daddy. Your kids will grow up and get a life of their own but you will be stuck together and married for the rest of your life.

Saturday Social Rules:
Post your answer to the Saturday Social question(s) in your blog. Be sure to put in a link to this entry and the blogger who tagged you too!

Come back HERE, sign Mr. Linky and why not leave me a comment too.

Tag your friends… better yet, tag a stranger (what a great way to meet someone new!)

You can tag 1 or 100, it is up to you. The more you tag, the more you will meet.

Visit other Saturday Social participants by clicking their names in Mr. Linky.


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