
Showing posts from August, 2010

Where in the World Was I?

Gawd. I missing blogging. I miss writing. For the past weeks, I found myself just plain TOO BUSY with work that I've forgotten what joy it brings me when I start to pound on my computer and just talk about anything under the sun. But most of all, I miss journalizing about my life, my kids, my family. I actually hate it when I feel that I've missed out so many of my kids' milestones because I'm too pre-occupied with deadlines and reports. How I wish I can go back to my old blogger life. Pray that it will happen. Hay. Meantime, let me indulge you with some of the party preparations which I've been doing. Luigi is turning 1 while Zoe is turning 4 in a few weeks. How fast time flies! These are part of their birthday invitation. I did it myself. Aren't my kids so cute? :-) We're having Zoe and Elmo of Sesame Street theme. I've already booked the place, the magician & host, photographer, the venue decor supplier. What are still lacking are the caterer, so...