I'm Late

..and I hate it.

Before you start thinking about something else, I would just like to rant that I'm late (again) - for work, that is. It's been the 6th time this month already. Beyond it, I'm already a candidate for a reprimand (very very bad!).

The traffic has been so awful for the past weeks and it's draining all the energy left in me. Sometimes, I just want to go home, stay in the bedroom with Zoe and cuddle together. Good thing Hubby shares with me the "misery" of having to be late for work and late in going home because he often drives for me. I don't want naman to bring the car to the office because it will stress me out all the more. You see, I don't like driving for more than an hour because for sure migraine ang abot ko.

On some days, it only takes 30-45 minutes tops to get to the office. On not-so-good days, it can take up to more than 2 hours! Imagine leaving the house at 6:45 am and arriving at 9 am. Really crazy! C-R-A-Z-Y! Grrr..

How I wish my office is just 15 minutes away from home, or better yet, how I wish that I'm working from home and looking after my precious baby all the time.

But I guess that's not in the cards right now...financially and emotionally.

Who knows? Maybe next year it will happen...(keeping fingers crossed!)


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