Love-Hate Tag

A tag from Vannie, Prettylifeonline, Jean, and Abie (did I miss out on someone?):

1. I LOVE to eat : spaghetti
2. I HATE to eat : pork or chicken liver
3. I LOVE to go : on vacation (SOON!)
4. I HATE to go : to work on Mondays (ang traffic!)
5. I LOVE it when : it's payday!
6. I HATE it when : I get migraines
7. I LOVE to see : Paris, New York, etc., etc.!
8. I HATE to see : pimples on my face (icky)
9. I LOVE to hear : Zoe talk, talk and talk
10. I HATE to hear : loud music

Thanks girls!

Feel free to snag!!! Have a great day friends!


thanks girl for doing the tag... got another tag for you hehehehe

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