It's Bonus Time

Thank God for profit-sharing! After labouring over this project for a good 2 months, I've finally finished everything (well, almost) and received my bonus today.

Now, what can I buy with all that money? Hihihi!

On second thought, I think I'll just save it up for a possible trip abroad (aka second honeymoon) this year. :-) Our target month is June with hopes of a second baby by May or June next year (or even earlier depending on God's plan).

About Zoe naman, she's been having fever since yesterday due (I think) to a molar tooth that is erupting. Can't wait for her to grow most of her teeth so that she can learn to talk straight na. She getting bigger and bigger by the week. Plus, she's been so entertaining to watch. She mimicks me while singing during Sunday mass! She opens her mouth ala-operatic style but no voice comes out. Hugitin mo voice mo from the diaphragm anak. LOL!

And her favorite word for the week: FISH! Yep, she loves feeding our fish in the mini-pond in the garden! I could even see in her eyes that she wants to jump in with the fish na. Haha. Wait till we go to the Manila Ocean Park. She'll be shouting 'FISH, FISH, FISH!!!' when she sees all the fish there!

Meantime, more stories on the homefront here. Pls. include my other site in your blogroll!

Thanks, ciao bellas!


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