Prayers on Sept. 8

Hi everyone!!! Just making a quick post now before we leave for the hospital this afternoon. Was at the doctor's clinic this morning and she finally gave me the "sentence". At 39 weeeks and 6 days, she wants me to undergo CS tomorrow, Sept. 08 (Mama Mary's birthday), at 6:30 a.m. It seems that my cervix just won't open and so...I need to be opened up to delivery the baby via caesarean section.

Pls. pls. pray for me because I'm honestly so scared of undergoing another operation: the needles, the incisions, the wound, etc. etc. However, I want to be positive and think that this is all a part of my being a mother. I prayed so much for a VBAC but maybe God has other plans for me and baby boy. As long as the baby is healthy and good, I am willing to undergo the pain all for him.

Hopefully, I'll do very well. Will try to be up and about as soon as I can. It'll be Zoe's 3rd birthday on Wednesday, Sept. 09. Given that, I'll have to make advance preparations so that the little girl won't feel so left out since her daddy and I will be in the hospital that day. Maybe the official party will just follow this weekend (once I can stand on my own already!).

Pls. keep me and my whole family in mind tomorrow and the following days. Will keep you all posted! Thanks in advance!!!


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