A Back Post: Zoe's Moving Up Day

Sorry for the late post...

Just want to document here Zoe's 1st Moving Up Day at her school.

They were asked to dress up in the 80's theme so we were very excited! I saw this dress from a department store and bought it immediately. It was initially big for Zoe so I had it repaired to fit Zoe perfectly. I also bought for her red Chuck Taylor rubbershoes, a pair of earrings in the shape of long-playing albums plus net gloves to match. The outfit turned out so nice!

When we got to the school, they were asked to wear blue togas and a cap.


The program started on time and Zoe enjoyed every minute of it.

She received several awards and we were so proud of her.

After the recognition rites, they all removed their togas and the girls danced to several 80's songs.

Here's the rest of the family giving all their support to the little girl...

...with gifts to match!

Congratulations, Zoe!


Beibi said…
Hi Vina!

Zoe is sooo big already.. blog-hopping lang..

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