Currently Looking For...

...Pope Benedict XVI's (aka Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) new book "Jesus of Nazareth". I'm not sure how much it is in National Bookstore but I've been eyeing on buying it online thru (read about this in Tin's site).

I heard a lot of good feedback about it. So lemme think...

Should I order it now? Hopefully I can decide and be able to buy it soon! It will be a great book to start year 2008!


Ai Dihayco said…
my husband sis is currently reading this book of pope benedikt. But i cant find an english version of this here. Hope i can find one soon..maybe you can find one in the net. My hubby said it is a nice book.
Vina P said…
hi ai! i saw a copy of this last sunday in national bookstore for 995 pesos (it comes out only 20pesos more expensive than so i'm just waiting for the next payday before i buy it. hehe. :-)

where are you in poland? i think my sister has a filipina friend there. :-)

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