On Wanting More Children

The topic of wanting to have more children and fecundity have been very much in the air these days, well, at least personally for me.

I think it started during one afternoon when my husband and I were out in our mini-garden talking. Just next to our house, we saw the four cute grandchildren (all siblings) running around their grandparent's house and enjoying very much the company of each other. My husband and I realized how happy it would be to have a lot of kids (our own) running around our house.

And then this week, I stumbled into this wonderful blog called Sonlight Garden. I then tell myself ~ here is a great example of a mom talking about motherhood, her children (6 kids and one in the oven!), husband, her faith, homeschooling, her garden and all of these don't seem to be in contrast with each other.

In addition, I go to Mercatornet and chance upon their feature on big happy families.

Finally, I see this one by Pope John Paul II (14 October 2000, A Message of Life and Hope) -

"Children are the incarnation of married love; the material overflowing of two becoming one. Love is always life-giving, always open to the other, always expansive. Those who love find no greater joy than to extend love to others. Children are the natural extension of the love of spouses—the visible sign of the fruitfulness of self-emptying love—and a means of ever deepening joy in marriage. ... I say to you both, mothers and fathers: you have been called to the exalted mission of cooperating with the Creator in the transmission of life (Letter to Families, n. 8); do not be afraid of life! Together proclaim the value of the family and of life. Without these values, there is no future worthy of man!"

Our prayer - May God give us more children, if and when He wants it. Amen. Amen.


Oh it will be awesome to have lots of kids! :)

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