Red Toes

On the afternoon of Easter Sunday, I treated myself to a pedicure c/o my regular manicurista. Zoe also decided to have a 'pedicure' of her own c/o Yaya Cat.

Here is how Zoe's toes looked like after:

And here are my own toes:

Can you see? Of all the things that my baby girl will get from me, Zoe unluckily inherited the shape and look of my (big and fat) feet and (rounded ugly) toes. And now that we both have red nail color, the similarity becomes even more obvious.

You want proof? Here's a picture with our feet together:

Like mother, like daughter. Hahahaha!!!


Jen said…
hahaha, I should get a picture of our feet too. Belle loves getting color on her toenails, but her feet shape come from her dad. :)

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